HistoGenes in the Media
February 2022 | Austrian Academy of Sciences
Walter Pohl about HistoGenes
In this short portrait cPI Walter Pohl talks about the research on identity, migration, integration and acculturation of people in the distant past, and what makes the HistoGenes project so unique (in German).
Interview on 10 November 2021 | University of Turin
Identity, Ethnicity and Historical Genetics
In a short interview at the University of Turin, Patrick J. Geary talks about medieval history and its relationship to the present, and what we can learn about society from genetics.
27 February, 2020
There is no national DNA
Genes and History
german Podcast Deutschlandfunk Kultur
From Volkart Wildermuth
"The Conversation": Ancient nomads you’ve probably never heard of disappeared from Europe 1,000 years ago. Now, DNA analysis reveals how they lived (25.4.2024)
"Nature": Ancient DNA traces family lines and political shifts in the Avar empire (24.4.2024)
"CNN Online": Sex and marriage patterns in an ancient empire revealed by DNA (24.4.2024)
"ORF Online": Awaren hatten komplexe Beziehungen (24.4.2024)
"DerStandard": Warum die Frauen der Awaren oft mit mehreren Brüdern Kinder bekamen (24.04.2024)
"DerStandard": Genetische Analysen lösen Rätsel um Herkunft der Awaren (06.04.2022)
"Science": Mystery warriors made the fastest migration in ancient history (01.04.2022)
"DerStandard": Tausende Grabfunde sollen die "dunklen Jahrhunderte" erhellen (22.02.2020)
"Die Furche": Die DNA lügt niemals (20.02.2020)
"APA Science": 6.000 Grabfunde sollen "dunkle" Völkerwanderungs-Zeit beleuchten (18.02.2020)
"Wiener Zeitung": Forscher beleuchten die "dunklen Jahrhunderte" der Völkerwanderung (18.02.2020)
"Die Presse": Woher kamen die Völker bei der Völkerwanderung? (18.02.2020)
Radio Ö1 „Wissen aktuell“ (18.02.2020, 7 Tage online)
ORF Online (18.02.2020)